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A few months ago, you had just a little bit and it still went unnoticed. But suddenly it has become much more widespread and you no longer feel comfortable wearing your shortest dresses and pants. We are talking about cellulite, the historical enemy of feminine aesthetics. How to eliminate cellulite? We are going to explain it to you in this article.
And you will also know how to combat "orange peel" without falling into despair, with a series of tips that, when applied to your routine, will be infallible against that fat that, although difficult to completely eradicate, can be greatly reduced.
“Whether you have a bit of cellulite or if you are already in a more critical situation, pressotherapy treatment for orange peel skin is your best solution.”
To understand what is cellulite and why it occurs, we must know the functioning of fat cells in the body. They are found under all the skin and there are different types and shades. Yellowish, pink or greyish, they make up the adipose tissue. Do you remember the movie "Fight Club" and how they stole pink grease from the containers in aesthetic clinics to make bars of soap?
We don't want to upset your stomach, eh?, but we do want you to understand that you should appreciate fat as part of your body, as something good as long as it is not causing you aesthetic or health problems. By the way, if you haven't seen that movie, we recommend it. Sticking with the theme, grease is necessary and doesn't have to bother you as long as it doesn't overflow.
Scientific language aside, adipose tissue fulfills multiple organic functions. Fat stores energy, protects the organs, insulates from the cold, and fulfills immune, endocrine, and hormonal functions. Adipose tissue is also an organ in itself that has great plasticity and regenerative capacity.
The most obvious proof is seen after liposuction. Over time and if you're not careful, those fat cells grow back and multiply like wet gremlins at midnight. And it is that they increase or decrease in size according to your age, what you eat, your physical activity or your genetics.
You should also know that cellulite occurs mostly in women and that it should not necessarily be the plump ones who suffer from it. What is clear in many cases is that diet is usually a potential factor in the formation of cellulite.
Many complex carbohydrates, sugars, fats, and salt cause fat cells to swell, trapping fluid and toxins inside. Apart from the unsightly appearance, it is not a pleasant cocktail and a poison for your body.
Pressotherapy offers a series of benefits that can help you reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve the quality of your skin. These benefits include:
If you are thinking about how to remove the orange peel of your body as if nothing, forget about it. It's not easy to get rid of fat, but it's not impossible either. And above all you should know that pressotherapy is a useful tool but not a method of losing weight by itself. And it's not a fat burner either.
Pressotherapy will help you soften the appearance of orange peel skin, moving the fat cells that are under the skin. Now, if in addition to hiding orange peel skin you want to seriously combat cellulite, take advantage of the following tips to eliminate orange peel skin and make life impossible for cellulite.
The key is to stop its expansion and reduce it as much as possible so that there is no disproportion in the adipose tissue.
If you are looking for remedies for orange peel skin and cellulite, as you can see, there are, but you must also put some will on your part.
Combining these tips, you will surely achieve satisfactory results in addition to verifying that pressotherapy reduces cellulite to a quite acceptable level.
We were not going to forget about that tummy that brings you upside down, of course not! To eliminate orange skin on the tummy with pretherapy, there is a specific garment: the Abdominal girdle.
As with the boots, the girdle works the abdominal area so that it achieves smoother skin. If you search the net you will see that there are many photos of orange peel before and after using pressotherapy.
While you are adjusting your diet and you get your batteries with a little exercise to burn off, pressotherapy will help you to gradually disintegrate adipose tissue and have much smoother skin on the abdomen.
Briefly, these are the main causes of cellulite:
Those are the main causes and often linked. An excess of saturated fats, sugars and carbohydrates will end up forming deposits throughout the body, mainly in the buttocks, areas like the abdomen and thighs.
If this is not stopped in time, the fat will continue to spread and give rise to that overweight that it seems you will never get rid of, and it will begin to hinder the work of the lymphatic system, and this can even trigger serious diseases. If you are also close to menopause, the tremendous hormonal change that it entails will make you more prone to the appearance of cellulite.
But don't suffer; Whether you have a bit of cellulite or if you are already in a more critical situation, there are effective treatments to greatly soften the appearance of orange peel skin and also to burn a large part of those fat cells under your skin.
Although fat is part of our nature and fulfills vital functions, it is a nuisance when it begins to affect not only the external appearance but also the general health. And it is that no imbalance is good. So is it bad to have cellulite? The truth is that once a certain level of obesity has been reached, even if it is moderate, we should start to worry.
An excess of fat predisposes us to suffer from inflammatory, metabolic, autoimmune, allergic diseases and even cancer. Like everything, if the problem gets out of control, it will impact our general health in one way or another.
Essentially we are talking about the same thing, but cellulite refers to the growth and proliferation of fat cells at the subcutaneous level and "orange peel" is what we colloquially call the cutaneous and external manifestation of this cellulite, which in the form of dimples and bumps, reminiscent of the skin of this citrus.
Really there is no difference between cellulite and orange peel skin. They are simply two sides of the same problem. Cellulite is inside, at the cellular level as its name suggests, and orange peel is the symptom or external sign of this cellulite.
Ruled out endocrine or hormonal disorders that should be evaluated by a medical specialist, cellulite spreads throughout the body, being especially noticeable on the legs, buttocks, abdomen and even arms, when the problem has been turned away for a long time.
As we mentioned earlier, unbalanced nutrition and a sedentary lifestyle are an explosive mix that will end up triggering the growth of fat cells. These swell with fluid and store stagnant toxins. If this is your case, the time has come to act and not only with purely cosmetic measures.
And if you are in a not yet very advanced phase of cellulite but you are already wondering how to hide orange peel skin, in that case pressotherapy is your best resource.