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A relief for tired legs? The day ends and with it comes the time to relax a bit and recharge before resuming your routine the next day. The hectic pace, the many responsibilities you face and the hours of work take their toll on your physical condition.
In addition, many trades or professions subject the legs to a tough test of resistance that makes your day to day a real marathon, which leaves you without strength and with tremendous pain in your muscles and joints.
Sometimes the sensation is so sharp that it takes you even to fall asleep. You need extra help to relieve that feeling without having to constantly resort to painkillers and anti-inflammatories.
And that is why every day more people are turning to a solution like: The Presotherapy.
We leave you this link if you want to know more about how presotherapy works
A relief for tired legs is Pressotherapy, apply a stimulating massage that tones muscles and joints, reinforcing the joint tissues. In addition, it directly affects nerve points linked to motor skills, relieving tension and stress. After the first session, you will already notice how the fatigue in your legs soon fades thanks to the benefit of pressotherapy on legs.
If you also suffer from fluid retention, surely you have swollen legs and especially the lower part, in the ankles. This is due to venous insufficiency; that is to say, that the return of blood is not taking place efficiently.
This problem can appear punctually or it can be of a chronic nature. It is known as Chronic Venous Insufficiency.
It occurs because the valves that the veins use so that the blood travels smoothly to the heart and without accumulating, may be injured, obstructed or insufficient.
This causes an accumulation of blood in these veins that end up being varicose veins. The surrounding tissue is affected with fluid buildup, causing your legs to swell.
All this also directly influences the feeling of heaviness and tingling in the legs. The regular use of presotherapy boots, helps to redirect all the "stagnant" fluids that cause swelling and the feeling of heaviness.
The leg pressotherapy It helps decongest swelling, relieve chronic pain and improves blood circulation.
Think of someone who spends the whole day working in an office without even getting up, or someone supporting the weight of their own body for endless hours.
These are just two examples with which we can visualize the effect that these "occupational hazards" and their forced habits can have on our lower extremities.
It is frequent that for various types of work, tired legs are one of the most common and accused ailments. Other factors that can intervene in this problem can be an imbalance in hormonal levels, age, being overweight or the symptoms of pregnancy.
In some cases, a certain pharmaceutical treatment may even be advisable. As usual, we advise you to consult your doctor to better determine the problem that is causing excessive fatigue in your legs. In any case and whatever yours, the for whom presotherapy is, it will help you a lot to reduce the discomfort in your legs.
Through a controlled compression system that produces sequenced pressure waves, inflammation and possible edema are reduced, improving the flow of oxygen throughout your body.
It is also and as we have already explained in other articles, an infallible method to combat orange skin and help you with your weight loss regimen.
Activate the circulatory system, eliminate toxins, tone muscles and joints, improve lymphatic drainage, reduce varicose veins or flaccidity are the many benefits that your legs obtain when using pressotherapy boots regularly.
So you already know. Fatigue in your legs is a treatable disorder through this therapy.
Say goodbye to the heaviness and say hello to some relaxed legs, ready for whatever lies ahead.