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The Pre-therapy It is both a medical and aesthetic treatment that promotes lymphatic drainage by applying air pressure to different areas of the body. The system alternates compression and decompression, achieving direct and effective stimulation of the lymphatic system (how presotherapy works)
The sequential massage offered by the boots for presotherapy It has been specially designed to improve the flow of lymph, a liquid present in the lymphatic vessels that is responsible for draining toxins and cellular waste. Lymphatic drainage is also a purification method for our body and its correct functioning is vital to maintain optimal health.
Everything in our body is connected, so when something doesn't work quite right, sooner or later, other derived ailments appear. However, when everything goes well, we feel in a good state of health and full well-being. Using pressotherapy boots greatly helps to achieve that physical balance. A balance that we need to face our day to day full of strength, energy and vitality. The pressure of the waves has a positive effect on several circulatory problems such as varicose veins but there are many other advantages as well.
If you are considering get in shape and lose weight, have a pair of boots for lymphatic drainage and with the help of sports presotherapy will definitely be a good decision. Combining Presotherapy with a good diet and series exercise, you will reach your goal and also, you will achieve it much sooner, since the induced lymphatic drainage will better channel not only the toxins but also the fats and liquids that cause the manifestation of cellulite. Soon you will feel the affected area much less swollen and a greater elasticity of the skin. Thanks also to the fact that lymphatic drainage favors a greater entry of oxygen into the tissues necessary in its regeneration process.
Under normal conditions, there should not be any problems with this type of treatment, but it is always good to rule out any medical condition before deciding to use the boots in order to improve your lymphatic drainage.
If you suffer from deep vein thrombosis, phlebitis, thrombophlebitis or edema due to heart failure, infectious cellulitis, cancer of any kind, considerable or even morbid obesity, kidney disorders, untreated or evaluated hypertension, among other diseases, Pressotherapy is totally contraindicated.
It can be very useful during postpartum recovery, once cleared by a medical professional. On the other hand, waiting at least a month after an intervention for sclerosis or varicose veins is also usually recommended. It is also not recommended to practice sports just before or after therapy, but always allowing a reasonable amount of time to pass.
Not only if you have doubts but because it is always better to be 100% sure, consult your doctor header and also to professionals who are experts in the use of Pressotherapy before starting to use it.