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Pressotherapy and judo the perfect fusion! Many of those who read this post will ask themselves a series of key questions:What is pressotherapy? Why is it so important benefits in recovery? ¿How presotherapy works? How can pressotherapy help me in the Sports field?
Then Alfonso Urquiza, Spanish champion of Judo 81K weight answers all these questions…
Next we are going to talk about pressotherapy and judo the perfect fusion... To begin with, we define pressotherapy as a method or treatment that increases and promotes the lymphatic drainage, this is dedicated to transporting waste substances from the body to the ganglia for later disposal. This would be the technical part or the medical explanation to put it in some way.
Therefore, pressotherapy will increase this flow and will ensure that we eliminate these substances more quickly and efficiently. That of course they are not beneficial for the body and that a quick elimination will help us to recover more effectively. For some time now we have been able to see this technique introduced in the sports field, especially in high performance of elite athletes. For some time brands like SIZEN are “democratizing” access to this type of treatment.
If it is beneficial for an elite athlete... Isn't it also beneficial for the rest of the population?
It has been possible to demonstrate the benefits of this treatment in sports, also for the recovery of tired legs syndrome and that is why it has made it so popular, some of these treatments son:
If you are interested in knowing more, we recommend this article on the benefits of pressotherapy after training
Therefore pressotherapy and judo the perfect fusion can go hand in hand, it personally helps me a lot after my training in terms of recovery, it eliminates toxins much faster and I am able to be 100% the next day. Ready for the next session, in elite athletes we cannot be 100% one day and 50% another.
Every day we have to be ready and prepared to give 200% of our performance.
In a sport like Judo, with so much physical effort, concentration and strategy, in addition with a very high importance of physical preparation. Pressotherapy is my main daily muscle recovery ally.
They are all advantages for the athlete, and their result is immediate, from the first session the benefits in the treatment are noticeable, at the end of each daily Pressotherapy program that I use, my body is more relaxed, with less fatigue and even less pain. .
Without a doubt, Sizen pressotherapy is all advantages. What are you waiting for to get the full potential of your body?