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Lymph. Sounds like a beautiful thing, right? And it is. As beautiful and precious as water, as that is exactly what it means in Latin (lymph), from which the term originally comes. Limpha It was a pagan divinity of Ancient Rome related to Agriculture. It was believed that she conducted fresh water to the crops, maintaining their productivity. Quite far from what we know today about the water cycle, without a doubt. Even so, we could perfectly compare the function of this goddess with the one carried out by the lymph in our body. Because as this deity supposedly did with the fields, this is how the lymph hydrates, nourishes and purifies our body, but... What is lymph?
“To understand what lymph is and how it works, we must first know what the lymphatic system is and how it works. In the same way that we cannot imagine the Amazon Forest without the important artery that is its river, we cannot imagine our organism without the lymph.”
Surely lymph is a word you have read in innumerable articles about Presotherapy (what is pressotherapy) and lymphatic drainage. But of course, if you do not dedicate yourself to Medicine, Biology, or you are a dietitian, or a professional physical trainer, it is likely that your knowledge on the subject is rather superficial. And if they ask you what lymph is, at most say that it sounds like something related to the Lymphatic System.
Don't worry; We reveal everything you need to know about lymph, explained in entertaining language. Because this way, knowledge flows better, just as lymph does in a healthy body that works perfectly.
Very briefly, lymph is a fluid that runs through the lymphatic vessels. A kind of lubricant and conductive agent as well as a scrubber. The one that comes from the upper or lower limbs is almost crystalline, but the one that is formed in the intestine, due to a higher concentration of fats, is whitish, similar to watered down milk.
The lymph is composed of water, proteins and fats, lymphocytes -white blood cells- and different types of germs or disposable substances are also dissolved in it. Its function in the Lymphatic System is therefore crucial. Not in vain, we have 3 times more lymph than blood. But to really understand what lymph is and how it works, we must also continue explaining, first of all, what the Lymphatic System is and how it works, of which lymph is an essential element. Understanding that, you immediately understand how irreplaceable it is in our body. In the same way that we cannot imagine the Amazon Forest without the important artery that is its river, we cannot imagine our organism without the lymph.
The Lymphatic System is a super structure closely linked to the Immune System. So much so, that if it fails, our defenses can be seriously weakened. When we look at a graph on the lymphatic ramifications, it reminds us of the Circulatory System, but in this case it is not blood that is transported through its vessels, but lymph. And unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system does not form a closed circuit. Let's say it's the second major fluid transport network in the body. The functions of the Lymphatic System are:
An adult human being normally produces between 2 and 3 liters of lymph a day. Most of it ends up being discharged into the venous system through the thoracic duct. There, in the thorax, is one of the main points of the Lymphatic System. The circulation of lymph or lymphatic fluid occurs thanks to a network of small valves and to the fact that the thickest vessels are endowed with a muscular layer that, through contractions, propels the lymph towards the venous system. A biological wonder. However, its circulation is very slow because it does not have a pumping system like the heart in the Circulatory System. The lymph must rely mainly on breathing and muscular action so as not to stagnate and to be able to eliminate any waste or toxin.
The lymph begins its prodigious journey in small lymphatic capillaries. They are made up of special cells that allow the lymph that comes from the interstitial tissues to filter through these vessels. Have you ever noticed how many of Nature's structures resemble our body? Like the branches of a tree, these small vessels flow into larger ones. The lymph finally pours into two main channels: the Right Lymphatic Duct, which drains the upper half of the body, and the Thoracic Duct, in charge of draining the rest. Without going further with physiology, these two ducts are linked to the venous system. As we have already mentioned, the lymph nodes are distributed at various points throughout this network.
They are shaped like little kidneys -again, what a curious parallelism!-, they measure between a few millimeters or a centimeter and there are no more and no less than between 500 and 1000! They can be grouped in small clusters, and all are armed with powerful lymphocytes and other cells whose sole function is to capture and eliminate harmful microorganisms and toxins. And its position is entirely strategic. We find them in greater concentration in the armpits, groin, neck, abdomen and next to the largest blood vessels.
As you will already be assuming, all very important for the correct functioning of your Immune System. Lymphocytes are so necessary that your body produces about 1 billion of them every day. These brave little soldiers are irreplaceable. A whole immune army, ready to fight and eliminate the most feared enemies of your precious organism.
When the lymphatic vessels are obstructed, what we know as lymphedema occurs. In other words, swollen legs, especially in the lower part, causing pain, tightness and in very serious cases, difficulty even moving. And this may just be the tip of the iceberg. A deficient Lymphatic System can be the trigger for multiple diseases, some fatal if not intervened as soon as possible. Lymph, in addition to lipids -mainly lactates- and a minimal amount of protein, can also transport cancer cells that will produce metastasis, that is, their proliferation and invasion in one or several organs, or even in an entire system.
Now that you know better what lymph is and how it acts in your body, you are probably thinking about how to keep your Lymphatic System in optimal condition. Doing our part is essential to facilitate the work of a machine, our body, which, although highly evolved, is not free from its setbacks.
A balanced diet that is as natural as possible, physical exercise and of course a proportionate daily intake of water are key factors. And if what you really want is to enhance lymphatic drainage, giving it a little push, we could say, the Pre-therapy it can be your best ally. If you want to immerse yourself more in the subject, we invite you to read about the fluid retention and the effects and benefits of lymphatic drainage.
Now you can start using your Size 6+ and benefit from pressotherapy in every way.