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The good weather is coming and with it the high temperatures. It is something to take into account in our trail outings since we will spend more hours in the mountains due to the good conditions and with the heat and humidity we can lose proper hydration. Below I reveal all the secrets of how to hydrate well.
Water is essential for living beings, participating in a multitude of processes in the body and accounting for up to 70% of our body weight. We ingest water either through liquid drinks or with food and it is lost through sweat, respiration and excretion.
When carrying out a physical exercise, the losses will vary according to the intensity of the exercise, duration, environmental temperature and humidity conditions. Therefore, it must be taken into account when replenishing losses. Not only do you have to recover the water but also the electrolytes.
Electrolytes are minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium that are found in the body and are necessary for different functions. To check that our hydration level is correct, it is very useful to observe our urine, which should be a light yellow color. If we see that it is very dark, our urine is very concentrated and we are probably dehydrated. Do you want to know the guidelines on how to hydrate well? Go for it!
In training sessions of more than 90 minutes, we must always take hydration and salts or isotonic drink with us.
An average of 6-8 ml/kg/hour of exercise (about 150-200 ml every 20 minutes or so) should be consumed 30 minutes after the start of the effort and for one hour after the end of it. Likewise, it is advisable to include between 0.5-0.7 g/L of sodium in drinks if the exercise lasts more than an hour to prevent hyponatremia (an electrolyte disturbance where body sodium decreases excessively, which can lead to seizures and even death in extreme cases).
We should not wait until we are thirsty when it comes to drinking, because when we already have this feeling, we already have a percentage of dehydration. We must "force ourselves" to drink every so often and accustom the body to drinking water so that it does not feel bad, since sometimes at first it can cause stomach discomfort.
The day before the competition it is necessary to have a correct hydration not only to arrive at the race with good hydration but also for a correct accumulation of carbohydrates.
Pre-competition: Two hours before departure we must consume about 500ml of water.
During the competition: the ideal is to consume about 250ml of liquid every 20 minutes. Always carry a drink on hand to avoid wasting time.
If the competition exceeds 90 minutes, an isotonic drink is recommended.
Many minerals will be removed during the competition, mainly sodium, followed by potassium and magnesium. Therefore, if we only consume water during the race, it should be supplemented with salt tablets for optimal recovery.
You should consume at least 500ml per hour but in humid environments and in a long and intense effort, we can consume up to 700ml. These are the keys to how to hydrate well during sports practice.
Also remember the importance of recovery... Especially with your Sizen. 😉