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Training series in running can be the secret to a notable improvement in your level of performance. In the world of athletics -specifically in the field of running, or what is the same in Spanish, running in its various modalities- the series are races that are repeated with a certain distance and rhythm, taking a short break between them. That is: run, rest, repeat. This modality is known training also as “interval run” or “interval run”.
It is practiced on a flat and stable dirt road or track, without obstacles, and is usually a very common training method among both speed and long-distance runners, although there are also athletes who do series for trail running – trail running – which consists of running through mountains, climbing, avoiding rivers or going down steep slopes. The truth is that speed series are to running what flowers are to a garden. Indispensable if you want to improve your sports performance and your resistance.
The distances can vary: from a very common minimum of 100 meters to what each athlete considers. Regarding the rhythm imposed in each repetition, it also depends on the preferences and objectives that each one has. Running series are a fairly flexible training discipline that each athlete performs according to his own requirements. Is running your favorite training method? Whether you are a professional or amateur athlete, or you run simply to stay fit and healthy, you will find this article very useful, thanks to the explanations and advice of Juan Pedro Mora, experienced runner and ambassador of SIZEN, with whom you have a more than good example of training in running series.
Benefits of the running series
Doing series of running or running at intervals, as this sport is also known, brings many benefits. And if you are a beginner in this running thing, do not suffer because even for you, this is an excellent way to start running. In fact, it will be easier for your body to get used to the effort and adapt to series of a certain distance and intensity, than if you go out for the first time running very long distances without stopping. Leave that for long-distance runners, used to a more exhaustive type of training. It often happens that when you have no experience, the first day of training is enough to end up throwing in the towel before appreciating progress. Take note of the main benefits of running series:
Running series: the best of aerobic and anaerobic exercise
Juan Pedro Mora, like any athlete, knows about this for a while. He himself explains well what each one is and he gives you some examples. Short, intense runs provide the benefits of both aerobic and anaerobic exercise. In the case of running series, both systems are combined.
aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise – with air – is of low or medium intensity but for a long time. To get energy, your body burns fat and carbohydrates. To do this, it uses a large amount of oxygen and a lot of effort from your cardiovascular system. It is ideal if you need to lose weight and increase the resistance capacity of your body. Some examples of aerobic exercise: running, cycling, swimming, brisk walking, jumping rope, steps…
Anaerobic Exercise
Anaerobic exercise – without air – is intense but of short duration. It requires less oxygen because energy is obtained more directly from other biological substances stored in the muscles. One of the most important is glucose. Your body uses it as a source of energy in a process called glycolysis, which produces lactic acid, guilty of muscle fatigue and soreness. It is the price, so to speak, of hardly using oxygen. You can reduce its impact by drinking a glass of water every 20 minutes and stretching or massaging after exercise. It is where I use the Pre-therapy SIZEN, ideal for preparing my legs before the next challenge. Some examples of anaerobic exercise: weight lifting, sprints, push-ups, squats... All of these exercises are ideal if you want to achieve good muscle tone and strengthen both your muscles and your bones.
Precautions when doing running series
As with any other intense physical exercise, you must take certain precautions when doing running series. Especially if you have never played sports or if you have been living a sedentary life for too long. Training at short but intense intervals puts a significant effort on your lungs, heart and muscles, especially those of the legs. These are the best tips that Juan Pedro Mora can give you if you want to implement a series of running training in your sports routine:
Get your body used to the series!
For whom are they recommended?
A series of running training is recommended to anyone who wants to continue improving their performance, both within the competition and outside of it. For those who compete, a good job of running series will help them surpass their mark. And if you have been running for a short time and your sessions do not reach 60 minutes of continuous running, the advice is to wait a bit before getting fully involved in this type of training. Running series work is not nonsense and your body needs to be minimally adapted to the effort of running. So you don't want to run more than necessary, never better said, and leave the long running series for a little later. If you are not sure how to start, you will find several interesting videos on the Internet about running series training for beginners.
DISTANCE, REST, RHYTHM. The keys in the running series
Distance of the running series
Surely you are wondering now what a table of running series could look like and how the series are made so that the training is as effective as possible. To get started, let's divide series into three categories: short, medium, and long. Short distances could be between 100 and 400 meters. With these series you will improve your anaerobic power. This means that you will increase your ability to do intense exercise for a short period of time, boosting your muscles, endurance and speed.
If you have been training with short distances for some time, you can move on to the intermediate ones that would be between 500 and 2,000 meters. At this point you already work on your aerobic power, which is the ability to carry out physical activities for a long time, reducing fatigue to a minimum, but also anaerobic.
And if you already have more experience, you can dare with longer distances that exceed 2,000 meters. In fact, for runners who have been training with this method for a long time, doing 5,000 or 10,000 meters is commonplace. At this point we can already talk about a high-level aerobic capacity, typical of long-distance runners accustomed to running series for 10 km or more. This type of training is very popular among marathoners. A marathon, or even a half marathon, requires the runner to maintain a good pace and speed for an extended period of time. Therefore, improving his performance is a constant in his training.
Rest is vital!
Rest between running bouts
The rest time between running series will vary depending on your objective, the experience you have and the distance of the series. As a general rule, the breaks are proportional to the running series. Short series? short breaks Longer series? Also longer breaks. In any case, we are not talking about taking too much time because we do not want the body to get cold at any time. In short series, we can stop for 30 or 40 seconds and in longer series, we could take a breather for about 2 minutes.
Pace of the running series
At a shorter distance in the series, the speed will be greater, thus obtaining the improvements mentioned above, and at a greater distance we will get closer to competition rhythms or even a little faster. If you have a hard time keeping up, a trainer can be a big help. Any physical trainer knows perfectly how to set your pace, rest and number of repetitions based on your goals, your physical condition, etc. However, the usual thing is that in short series there are a greater number of repetitions and in long series, less. As you can see, everything is quite proportional to the effort you make. In the running series as in everything in life, balance is the key.
How to train series in running?
You can plan your running series in several ways. Depending on your physical condition and your level of training, we have already explained that there are short, intermediate or long series. Or you can intersperse all of them. Two examples of running series training plan that can work very well for you:
My personal recommendations
It is important to warm up before training series in running!
Juan Pedro Mora is a Popular Runner and ambassador of SIZEN.