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Can you do Pressotherapy if you have your period?

¿Puedes hacer Presoterapia si tienes la regla?

Are there contraindications to pressotherapy with menstruation? These are two questions that many women ask themselves before starting to use pressotherapy. And it is that as innocuous as it may seem to us, this treatment may be contraindicated in certain cases and the rule is no exception.

In fact, We make it clear from now on that doing pressotherapy with the rule is not advisable. But do not stop reading, because although it is not indicated during the period, understanding that we are talking about bleeding, treating all premenstrual symptoms with pressotherapy can be very effective.

And because we have seen several articles dedicated to this matter but none of them really explains very well why it is not advisable to use pressotherapy with the rule, we have thought it convenient to focus on this subject going a little deeper, and above all justifying the reasons why pressotherapy is not appropriate during the period.

In addition, we take advantage of this space to give you a series of healthy tips to make those critical days of the month more bearable. So ready, set…let's get started!

Menstruation and its effects on the female body

There presotherapy is a compression and decompression massage It stimulates lymphatic drainage. This is ideal for treating fluid retention and certain circulatory problems. In the days prior to menstruation or menstruation, women suffer from certain fluid retention - water - caused by the great hormonal change typical of this cycle.

It is the not so friendly face of progesterone and estrogen, which make the female body a real hormonal roller coaster. Fortunately, yes, the woman's body recovers to normal after the period, seeing the retention and inflammation progressively attenuated.

This retention, known as premenstrual edema, commonly occurs in the ankle and rest of the leg and even in the abdominal area. Noticing more swollen breasts and feeling quite acute pain in the legs, both muscular and joint, are also very frequent symptoms in the days or hours prior to the period. It is what being a woman has, but do not be upset because despite everything, the period is synonymous with youth, fertility and life.

Having your period regularly every month, even if it is annoying, also tells you that your body is functioning normally and that everything is in place and fulfilling its natural function. We will soon see how all the discomfort associated with the rule can be less if you know how to treat them. But first, let's briefly recall the two most common types of menstrual pain to understand why periods can sometimes be so annoying:

  • Primary dysmenorrhea: This is how the painful menstrual period is known. Cramps in the lower abdomen and intestinal spasms that lead to frequent toileting are common. The increase in prostaglandins – substances that control blood pressure and the contraction of certain muscles – in the uterus, causes a series of contractions – cramps or spasms – that make the first day of menstruation, especially, so annoying. Primary dysmenorrhea is more pronounced in youth, but with age and as menopause approaches, the pain decreases considerably.
  • Secondary Dysmenorrhea: It is caused by certain conditions that affect the uterus or other reproductive organs. A clear example is endometriosis or uterine fibroids. Endometriosis is the irregular growth of the tissue that lines the uterus or endometrium in other organs such as ovaries or fallopian tubes. This tissue swells and bleeds in the same way that the endometrium does during the menstrual cycle. Uterine fibroids are benign tumors that appear in different areas of the uterus during childbearing years. They are also known as fibroids and rarely develop into cancer. This pain usually gets worse over time.

Chica haciendo presoterapia en casa

Menstrual pain begins at puberty with the first menstrual periods, and becomes less pronounced with age. Many women also have less pain after giving birth. In the case of a cesarean section, some feel more pain in the first months when ovarian activity is reactivated and others, on the other hand, say they feel hardly any pain.

This may also be due to the fact that a caesarean section consists of a cut – nowadays generally transverse on the pubic line – that intercepts many nerve endings. In other words, many nerves will be sectioned with the intervention and this will greatly reduce cramps in that area. Yes, the leg pain usually persists, in a more constant and acute way just before the period.

Presotherapy and rule: are they compatible?

Knowing that pressotherapy combats fluid retention, also typical of the period, it is easy to conclude that it can be ideal, but be careful. Although you can use pressotherapy to relieve certain premenstrual symptoms, this treatment is not recommended when you are already experiencing menstrual bleeding.

So to the question of whether pressotherapy and the rule are compatible, the answer is that you should NOT do pressotherapy with the rule when the bleeding is already taking place.

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How to take care of yourself during the menstrual cycle

Because it is important to know how to take care of yourself during the menstrual cycle, from SIZEN We give you some tips that will work for you in case your period is particularly annoying or painful. But remember that pressotherapy and rule only go well before bleeding. We explain why:

Pressotherapy only before the rule: Pressotherapy reduces premenstrual edema, especially concentrated in the legs. But once you have the period, PRESOTHERAPY IS NOT ADVISED. The reason is understandable: Your endometrium is a body's waste. Every month and while you are of childbearing age, your body prepares monthly for a possible pregnancy. But if fertilization does not take place, the wall that has lined the uterus comes off in the form of bleeding and remains of tissue and nutrients.

The lymphatic massage of pressotherapy could drive this waste into the lymph nodes or bloodstream. Logically, these remains should be evacuated vaginally and never through other channels that do not correspond to them. This essentially summarizes the contraindications of pressotherapy with menstruation.

To feel better both during the menstrual cycle and the rest of the month, in addition to the pressotherapy massage, you can:

  • drink enough water. Good hydration is always key, and if you apply pressotherapy, water is good both before and after treatment so that toxins, fats, and other metabolic waste flow more easily through the lymphatic channels.
  • Go for a walk. Do it during the days before the start of the period but also during the days in which you already have your period. Some moderate physical exercise will also do you good. Swimming or yoga can be very relaxing.
  • Nourish your body well. Like the rest of the month, maintain a diet that is as healthy and nutritious as possible. Cut down on salt – it causes your body to retain fluid – and avoid processed foods.
  • Take supplements. Magnesium or vitamin B1 are very positive.
  • Take herbal infusions or phytopharmaceuticals. Some infusions relieve menstrual pain: chamomile, cinnamon, ginger, lemon balm, oregano, basil, sage or hibiscus, among others, have anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. On the other hand, phytopharmaceuticals are medicines whose active ingredients come from plants and could also work for you. A homeopath or naturopath might be able to give you great advice and recipes, or you can turn to countless free digital resources.
  • Get a DLMI (Intracavitary Manual Lymphatic Massage). What sounds so scientific is nothing more than a manual massage that you can give yourself. It consists of gently massaging the lower part of your belly. It can relieve pain and stimulate lymphatic drainage in that area. Do it downwards, in the direction of your vaginal canal, in a focused way. It has an analgesic effect on the pelvic floor and decongests the genital area. You can also do a circular massage with both palms over the area of ​​your ovaries.
  • Apply heat. A hot shower on the stomach can be calming. There are also special patches or heat bags for menstruation on the market. Its content heats up on contact with atmospheric oxygen and is kept at a temperature of about 40º for several hours. Or if you prefer something more classic but also functional, resort to the usual rubber bag filled with hot water.

How Pressotherapy helps you before menstruation or rule

Using moderate pressure, pressotherapy applies a soft and relaxing massage while firming both your legs and your belly, being a very effective method to combat all the symptoms of Premenstrual Syndrome because it helps you:

  • Reduce heaviness and leg pain
  • Relieve joint pain in the knees
  • Reducing edema in the legs
  • Soothe inflammation in the belly
  • Reactivate your lymphatic system
  • Relax the entire pelvic area
  • Stimulate circulation in general
  • Relax your mind helping you sleep better
As recommended by some aesthetic or physiotherapy centers, pressotherapy is ideal applied to pain and premenstrual edema. But it is also clear that it is too expensive to go to a center every month. The solution? Without a doubt, have your own pressotherapy at home. Comfortable, easy to use, always available and infinitely cheaper than any other option.

deportista utilizando la presoterapia Sizen

SIZEN, the Presotherapy at all

If you are already lucky enough to have a pressotherapy team at home SIZENThere is little more to tell you about its many benefits and advantages. But if you still don't belong to that lucky women's club, then don't worry because you can be part of it too. SIZEN It makes it very easy for you, both with financing and with the use of equipment that adapts perfectly to your lifestyle.

It's more, it makes it better! And precisely on those days when a little pampering feels so good to your body, a home pressotherapy team can offer you the best and most comfortable treatment you can imagine.

So why not jump in and try the SIZEN 6+? For a complete premenstrual treatment, apart from the pressotherapy boots, we recommend you use the abdominal belt or even the shorts, which will cover all that area, which is so especially delicate on those days. A great solution that will reduce the pain and discomfort you feel during the premenstrual phase.

Enter our store and choose the equipment with the combination of accessories that best suits what you need. And it is clear; In addition to using pressotherapy in the days before your period, you can continue using it for the rest of the month whenever you feel like it and need it.

And remember that we are talking about a "three in one" treatment, because its effects can be noticed both at a therapeutic, aesthetic or sports level. A great luxury for your health and your image. And that does not have a date on the calendar because being well is a desire that is present throughout the year.

Can you do pressotherapy if you have your period? Now you know that not during, but before having it, which is a great help for you to feel better on those days that always annoy your month a little. And what less than rewarding yourself for being a woman and enduring the rule and everything it takes like the true champion that you are? SIZEN, full-blown pressure therapy, to take care of yourself both before and after menstruation.

As we always advise, if you have doubts about the possible contraindications of pressotherapy, a medical consultation is worth it.

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