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Benefits of training on the beach

Beneficios de entrenar en la playa

Now that it seems that little by little we can enjoy our beaches again, and taking advantage of the fact that the holidays are approaching and that many will choose to go on vacation to a place with a beach, perhaps you have considered the possibility of training on the sand of the beach. We are going to explain the benefits of training on the beach.


Like everything, it has its advantages and disadvantages, but let's first see what benefits being able to train on the beach can bring us again. As the ground is soft, the impact our body receives with each stride, and in particular our joints, is less, and that is always beneficial in a sport in which you receive so many daily impacts.

The benefits of training on the beach are many!

For the same reason, because of the type of terrain, and because of the difficulty of running on such unstable terrain, you will burn more calories in less time, that is, you will make more effort. Another benefit is that when we run on the beach, we are doing a certain quality training, since we will need a higher intensity than if we run through an area with more stable ground.

For the same reason, we are going to be able to strengthen the muscles of our legs and we are going to gain power in our lower body, in addition to strengthening both our joints and ligaments.

Just as it has its benefits, it also has its risks…

Think that, for example, the shore of the beach is inclined, therefore if we run along the shore, we will do it in an unnatural way for our body, forcing the muscles of one part of the body more than the other, for That would be good, not always running in the same direction, thus alternating the muscles that work the most in each direction.

Even so, do not do excessively long sessions, since the tread that we exert when we run on sloped terrain is a tread that is not natural at all and can lead to some type of overload.

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In the same way, if you decide to run instead of along the beach, which is slightly firmer ground, and you decide to do it on the sand of the beach, although it is true that it has its benefits in terms of gaining power and resistance, you have to think that there are parts of our legs that will suffer more, such as the calves, ankles, etc... since they will need a greater effort in each stride if the ground is too soft.

If you end up training on the beach, remember these few tips…

Running with shoes... it may seem more cumbersome, but you will avoid pricking the soles of your feet with small shells or other elements that may be on the shore, also, if we are running all year with shoes, the fact of doing it without them, and Without prior adaptation, it can cause us some kind of discomfort. Remember that we look for the benefits of training on the beach, not the damages. 😉

If you run in summer, or in the hottest months, take hydration with you to drink, and in any case, take advantage of the public showers to cool off a bit and lower your body temperature.

Don't forget to wear sunscreen...

As you can see, with certain "precautionary" measures and applying some logic, you can enjoy being able to train on the beach, don't do excessively long workouts, don't try to run at the same speed as on asphalt, taking a few safety measures, I'm sure you'll You will be able to benefit from everything that running on the beach can bring you.

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In addition, when you finish, your session will always be waiting for you. presotherapy Sizen, undoubtedly the best way to end a day at the beach. Sports pressotherapy machines Sizen, they offer you the best Post Training to increase your sports performance.

Juan Pedro Mora, is a popular runner and ambassador of Sizen.

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