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Do you feel like you can't with your legs? Do they weigh like sacks of flour? Weakness, pain, pins and needles, fatigue? If the answer is yes, you should start pampering your legs a little more. Something is not working well so we are going to see immediately what associated problems end up causing this ailment that is known in medical jargon as tired legs syndrome. And don't worry, if this is your problem, you will also immediately see how pressotherapy and legs combine wonderfully. So much so that soon you will be able to get rid of that weight that tortures you so much.
TIRED LEGS SYNDROME: dolences of the lymphatic and circulatory system
Heaviness in the legs, swelling, edema, lymphedema, varices, spider veins, cold feet, legs and hips, pain when pinching the leg…Everything is usually related to the same thing: Poor blood circulation and a lymphatic system that is not doing its job well. We have already explained in another article how essential the lymphatic system and its vital fluid are, the lymph. Well, many of the discomforts that you may be feeling in your legs manifest poor lymphatic drainage.
AND when your body is not able to process all the waste well, health problems begin, among them and one of the most frequent, the tired legs syndrome. Of course, let's not forget blood circulation either. Poor circulation is usually due to insufficient or hindered venous return. But related or not, both circulatory and lymphatic problems could end up hand in hand and lead to multiple pathologies if they are not tackled as soon as possible.
We've all heard when we haven't told ourselves that "Why do my legs hurt so much?”. And many times we attribute it to simple fatigue. But be careful, because if this pain is becoming chronic, the problem is surely much less superficial than we think. Let's see why the legs hurt so much and chronically:
The lymph nodes are responsible for expelling fats and toxins from the body. But some factors can intervene and make the job next to impossible. Sudden changes in temperature, poor diet, hormonal changes - especially in women as menopause approaches - sedentary lifestyle and lack of physical exercise or excess toxins may be hindering your lymphatic system. The lymph cannot then eliminate any waste with inevitable and disastrous results: slower circulation, swelling and pain. A horror.
And we are not necessarily talking about elderly people. You can be very young and suffer from tired legs. Nor are we talking exclusively about people who are considerably overweight. Obviously, being overweight causes heaviness, poor circulation, pain or fatigue, but it is not always people with a lot of weight who suffer from heavy or tired legs. And when our body feels pain, it is telling us that it doesn't feel good, that it needs a change. Can a Pressotherapy treatment help to eliminate these symptoms? Does pressotherapy relieve tired legs? Of course!
But as we always advise, pressotherapy sessions, although highly recommended for your tired legs, must be accompanied by other measures so that everything flows, never better said. Let's see what presotherapy is for in the legs:
First, consult a doctor. Have him evaluate your physical condition and confirm if you can follow these tips without inconvenience to your health. If there are no hormonal imbalances, serious cardiac or venous problems or diseases that prevent it, pressotherapy may be the indicated and infallible therapy to combat tired legs. It can also help you to read our Guide to Contraindications of Pressotherapy.
Pressotherapy is not intended only for conceited people who take care of their aesthetics. It is not exclusively for athletes. Do you work many hours on your feet? Or the opposite, tied to a seat? If so, pressotherapy suits you as much as anyone else. Tired legs syndrome is the logical consequence of many professions that involve a notable sedentary lifestyle or little mobility.
People who work in hotels, hairdressers, driving public transport, delivery trucks, in secretarial or administrative work... Sooner rather than later, all of them suffer the ravages of their professions on their bodies and especially on their legs. Pain and punctures in ankles, knees, calves, thighs... the whole leg ends up resentful. What to do in this situation? The answer lies in improving the lymphatic system with a good draining massage from time to time. And precisely because it works, pressotherapy for legs has such good opinions.
Surely you are wondering now what price pressotherapy for legs has. Going to a center for occasional sessions can be expensive, really. Bearing in mind that one or several massage sessions will have little impact on your legs, no matter how good the offer is and no matter how often you do them – from 20 euros you can have a session and packs of 10 or more are also offered sessions – the most profitable thing is without a doubt to have your own home pressotherapy equipment.
Having to go to a center several times a month, the truth is that it is too expensive for the vast majority of mortals. So the best option is to pay once and have pressure therapy at home whenever you want. There are many teams on the market, with prices that fluctuate a lot. Our advice is that if you opt for the cheapest ones, you will soon regret it. But neither do you need to spend what a center would spend for a professional pressotherapy team.
A pressure therapy device for home is equally effective even if it has less power. The only difference is that you will have to use it a little more frequently, but the effects and benefits are the same. And of course, the price is also more reasonable. The presotherapy SIZEN offers you a team that meets your needs, with an affordable price that you can pay in installments and that you will make a profit right away. Go ahead and try the SIZEN 6+ and you will see how by following our advice and doing sessions regularly, you too will be able to say goodbye to tired legs, recovering your agility and with it the desire to step harder than ever.