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Presotherapy for aesthetic purposes

Presoterapia con fines estéticos

We are going to talk about pressotherapy for aesthetic purposes, something that even ancient civilizations already cared about. We can easily imagine Cleopatra receiving orange peel massage provided by the expert hands of some dedicated slave.
Of course, we have not given this example just because, but because massages, as well as other body care, were, until not so many years ago, a privilege of royalty or higher and more affluent classes. Fortunately, all that has been changing today, and you, yes you, today have as much right to pamper your body as the ancient pharaohs, the athletes of Ancient Greece or Marie Antoinette herself.

Sizen es presoterapia con fines estéticos

Welcome to the democratization of presotherapy for aesthetic purposes!

After all, who doesn't like to feel good, both inside and out. Well then; The time has come to talk about the aesthetic benefits of Pre-therapy Corporal, so called because in addition to being able to take care of your legs with pressotherapy boots, there are also other equally useful and effective accessories for other areas of your body, such as abdomen (girdles for the abdomen) and the presotherapy sleeve for arms. For to know the operation of pressotherapy, visit the previous section.

And although the truth is that we cannot separate the aesthetic effects (aesthetic benefits) of Physiotherapy Pressotherapy because while this system works on your body it is providing both benefits, - this therapy is classified in the field of Aesthetic Medicine for a reason - we focus in this article on its draining power and how that influences the outward appearance of your figure.

Poor internal circulation, seen on the outside

When something it does not work correctly (there may be contraindications) inside our body, it ends up manifesting externally. Our skin, like our eyes, says a lot about our health. And what happens when we suffer from fluid retention? Or when those bulging fat nodules appear? Sooner or later, areas of our body appear, and especially in our legs, where the problem is evident in the form of swelling, either general or in more localized points. That is why correct lymphatic drainage is so important to correct those retentions or accumulations of fat that are out of place.

Sizen es presoterapia con fines estéticos

Another problem is varicose veins or spider veins, something that people usually suffer from who, due to their daily routine, subject their legs to too many hours in the same position and with little movement.
Although sometimes all this can also be manifested by different circulatory disorders, whether caused by various habits or by a genetic condition.

Each person is undoubtedly a world and their problems in this sense must also be treated individually, but what is clear is that Aesthetic Pressotherapy can help in any case to redefine the contour and physical form (but you have to know how many aesthetic pressotherapy sessions can be done).
An improved circulation thanks to an enhanced lymphatic drainage, will end up being visibly noticed, on the outside. That is what pressure therapy for aesthetic purposes is based on.

say goodbye to bloating

If you often suffer from that unpleasant sensation that makes you feel like a balloon, it may be because your body needs extra oxygen to improve blood circulation or because your muscles are too stiff and congested and that is also hindering proper intestinal function. .
Pressotherapy garments can reduce this effect that influences when putting on your favorite jeans or leggings. A smoother stomach and more toned legs are something that is obvious when you wear certain clothes.

And your arms are no less important or less deserving of looking pretty. Well contoured, they match your legs and look lovely dressed in long gloves or a tight T-shirt.
And let's not forget that if you suffer from lymphedema, pre-therapeutic treatment will help you reduce the blockage of the lymphatic system that is causing inflammation in any of your extremities.

the skin does not deceive

Pressotherapy for aesthetic purposes enhances the blood supply to the skin, nourishing its tissues and improving cell regeneration. All this is shown in toned and more elastic skin, with a smoother and healthier appearance. And the skin never deceives. If the eyes are said to be the mirror of the soul, the skin is the mirror of everything that is physically under it.

Main aesthetic effects of presotherapy

Regular use of Pressotherapy can prevent the development of cellulite and if you already suffer from it, it interrupts it and prevents it from continuing to accumulate, considerably attenuating the existing one.
Edema, varicose veins and spider veins are also reduced, all of which are so aesthetically unpleasant.
Buttocks, belly, arms and legs look more molded.
Thanks to drainage, tissues are detoxified and strengthened, blood flow improves and the nutrients that our cells need are mobilized, thereby improving the general appearance of our skin.

Looking good increases self-esteem that you end up projecting

It seems silly but it is not at all. When you are not comfortable with your aesthetics, you project a negative and discontent image and it is something that is difficult to hide. On the contrary, looking good and liking yourself is something that increases your self-esteem and when you feel comfortable with your physical appearance, everyone around you perceives it. And that positive energy that you radiate manifests itself with a special sparkle in your eyes and a satisfied smile that outshines the Sun itself. These effects contribute to a more attractive overall physical appearance.

Sizen es presoterapia con fines estéticos

To finish and even if it is obvious, Pressotherapy can help you to a great extent to achieve an aesthetically more beautiful body. Remember that all therapy achieves better results with a good healthy diet, complete but balanced, enough hours of sleep, some physical exercise. By combining the use of the boots or other Pressotherapy accessories with good eating habits, rest and some sporting activity, you are giving your body the complete package.

For all; Don't settle for less than what you deserve.

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