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Returning to training after a good athletic season or at any sport, also requires a period of rest, we must give the body a few weeks of respite, without training, without demanding ourselves mentally and take advantage of that time to dedicate that time to other activities: cinema, reading, ver series, walk, enjoy quality time with the children, disconnect, etc... It is time to help the body and musculature from which to regenerate itself and help you generate new fibers.
But after that period of time, how do we return to our daily routine of run again? here you have one guide on how to train series in running what can help you
Although the ideal would be not to stop practicing some type of sport during this rest period, returning to running after a break is a bit "uphill". So the first tip would be:
You can't be in a hurry to get back in shape before the break, being in a hurry in this case isn't usually a good travel companion either.
Even if it seems that you have lost all your fitness, you can rest easy, resuming the habit of training again as you did before the break, the results will come back, recover the good sensations when running and soon you will be enjoying yourself again. run.
INCREASE THE VOLUME (kilometres) LITTLE BY LITTLEYou don't want to start the house from the roof, and you think that being stopped, now I'm going to recover what was "lost" and therefore I start doing 20 kilometers.
Mistake! You have to gradually increase the volume of training and starting with sessions of a few kilometers that will increase as the weeks go by. We have to give our body time to take shape. The first weeks/training sessions, the race rhythms have to be very smooth, nothing to want to run as fast as before stopping, so the summary would be: less kilometers and smoother as far as the pace is concerned.
COMPLEMENTARY WORKSince not everything is running, or not just running, we can take advantage of these first weeks of training after the break to combine our usual sport, with some other complementary like judo, swimming, bicycle, etc.
This is how we help our body to assimilate again the stimuli typical of a workout but without punishing it so much.
Later on we will have time to demand it for the rest of the year. In this case, the best advice would be to dedicate one day a week to do some strength training, both for the lower part of the body, which is what "interests" us the most, and the upper body.
Taking the opportunity to do core sessions such as abdominal planks, exercises for the lower back, etc... will undoubtedly be, together with the strength session, an ideal complement for your return to the running routine, which will not only help you in the short term, but also it will be a time invested to avoid injuries in the future.
THE BREAKS, although we may think that we have already rested a lot due to the break, we cannot start after a sports vacation and without giving breaks to the body with the benefits that entails. You have to think that our muscles need a time to adapt, to assimilate these stimuli, and the best way to help them is by giving them a well-deserved rest.
It would not be good to think about going back to our routine doing the same as just before stopping, as our body and thinking that we are already used to this type of load.
If you trained/ran five days a week, you would have to start with less than those five weekly workouts. We can complement this rest with the help offered by the presotherapy (the help that presotherapy offers us), better!
Surely after our sports "holidays", our legs are going to get tired much faster, we are going to feel tired, but doing many fewer kilometers than we did before.
What used to be easy is not so easy now... don't worry! everything will be as before or better 😉
To make this whole process more bearable, we can use the Size 6+ that will help us in these first weeks to cope with the return "to work" 😉
If we combine rest/training days with a good nutrition and we have the help of technology provided by Sizen, all this process (if presotherapy is well directed) it will be much faster and more enjoyable. Following these tips, in a few weeks you will return to recover after training both the state of fitness and return to enjoying sports practice.
Juan Pedro Mora He is a popular runner and Sizen ambassador.